“广告学概论”课程思政融合发展探析 |
Opportunities, Challenges and Path Selection of Carbon Finance for Commercial Banks under the Framework of “Double Carbon” Strategy |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 应用型高校;广告学专业;广告学概论;思政融合 |
英文关键词: Applied universities; advertising major; introduction to advertising; ideological and political integration |
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摘要点击次数: 4440 |
全文下载次数: 0 |
中文摘要: |
应用型高校教学活动独具特色,课程思政的融合逐渐成为教学改革的方向。论文以广告学专业“广告学概论”课程为例,结合应用型高校广告学专业学生的个性特点,从课程思政要素与课程大纲的教学目标、教学内容及考核方式相融合的角度探析教学方法,依托专业课程开展形式多样的第二课堂,形成独具特色的教学模式。 |
英文摘要: |
The teaching activities in applied universities are unique, and the ideological and political integration in the course has gradually become the orientation of teaching reform. This paper takes the course of “Introduction to Advertising” of the advertising major as an example, combines the particular characteristics of advertising majors in applied universities, explores the teaching method from the perspective of the integration of the ideological and political elements and the teaching objectives, teaching content and assessment methods of the curriculum, and carries out diversified extracurricular activities by relying on professional courses so as to formulate a unique teaching mode. |
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