家庭教育视域下开展青少年爱国主义教育探析 |
An Exploration of Youth Patriotism Education from the Perspective of Family Education |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 家庭教育视域;青少年;爱国主义教育;问题;举措 |
英文关键词: Perspective of family education, youth, patriotism education, problems, countermeasures |
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中文摘要: |
家庭是青少年接受一切教育的首发站,是开展爱国主义教育重要场所。调查发现:家庭教育视域下青少年爱国主义教育存在“重视程度不高、教育氛围不浓、父母素质欠佳、家校社衔接程度不高、教育基地实践不足”等问题,进而提出“强化意识、营造氛围,内提素养、外树榜样,同频共振、同心合力,内化于心、外化于行”等举措。 |
英文摘要: |
Family is the starting point for young people receiving all education and an important place for patriotic education. Through the investigation, it has been found that from the perspective of family education, there exist such problems in youth patriotism education as low degree of emphasis, light educational atmosphere, weak qualities of parents, low degree of connection between family and school, and insufficient practice in educational bases. The corresponding countermeasures are suggested as follows: awareness improvement and atmosphere creation, quality enhancement and example setting, simultaneous resonance and harmonious collaboration, internalization in mind and externalization in action. |
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