末端物流智能快递柜运营现状、问题及协同治理研究 |
Research on Status, Problems and Collaborative Governance of Smart Express Cabinet Operation in Terminal Logistics |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 末端物流;智能快递柜;运营现状;协同治理 |
英文关键词: Terminal logistics, smart express cabinet, operational status, collaborative governance |
基金项目: |
摘要点击次数: 4351 |
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中文摘要: |
近五年来我国智能快递柜投放增速高于快递业务量增速,但处于快递末端的利润空间被压缩、消费者体验下降。末端物流智能快递柜运营存在行业市场成熟度不够、投入成本较高、投资回收期较长、盈利能力偏低等问题。政企协同、虚实协同、模式协同、社区协同和标准协同治理策略,可有效解决末端物流智能快递柜运营存在的问题。 |
英文摘要: |
In the past five years, the growth rate of smart express cabinets in China has been higher than that of express business, but the profit for the terminal express delivery has been reduced and consumers’ good experience has decreased. There exist some problems in the smart express cabinet operation in terminal logistics: low degree of market maturity, high investment cost, long payback period, weak profitability, etc. The following governance strategies can be adopted to effectively solve the problems in the smart express cabinet operation in terminal logistics: government and enterprise coordination, virtual and realistic coordination, mode coordination, community coordination and standard coordination. |
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