The Academic Concept, Discipline system and Theory Resources of Movie Aesthetics
中文关键词: 电影美学;学术概念;学科体系;理论资源
英文关键词: Film Aesthetics; Academic Concept; Discipline System; Theory Resources
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      Film aesthetic discourse is still conducted in the state of diversified pan-aesthetics. As an academic concept, film aesthetics needs to be redefined and a clear demarcation should be drawn between it and its related concepts such as film studies, film theories, film art and film culture. As an academic discipline, the discipline system of film aesthetics should be clarified as to treat academic studies as its main concern. As stylistic aesthetics, film aesthetics has two theoretical resources: one is general aesthetics or artistic theories in its broad sense; another is the artistic practice of film creation, a series of film aesthetic thoughts formed in the hundred years history of film, as shown in montage aesthetics, dramatized film aesthetics and documentary film aesthetics.
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