“环境艺术设计”课程融入思政教育的探究 ——以高校“专业导论”课程为例
Exploration on the Integration of Civic and Political Education in “Environmental Art Design” Courses--Taking the “Introduction to Specialization” Course in Colleges and Universities as an Example
中文关键词: 环境设计专业;专业导论;思政教育;教学实践
英文关键词: environmental design major; introduction to the profession; civic and political education; teaching practice
摘要点击次数: 3857
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      Introduction to the Profession is a professional foundation course offered in the first semester, which is an introductory course for freshmen majoring in environmental design, and it plays an important role in helping students to establish a good worldview, outlook on life, and values, and is conducive to the development of the subsequent professional courses. This paper discusses the ways and means of organically combining the introductory course with the Civic and Political Education, in order to promote the development of students' comprehensive ability and the improvement of their professional ability. First, starting from the course characteristics of the introduction to professionalism and the connotation of Civic and political education, the importance and necessity of combining the two are analyzed and their significance is elaborated. Through the optimization and improvement of teaching objectives, teaching paths, teaching methods and teaching characteristics, it promotes the organic combination of Civic and Political Education and professional learning, and promotes the benign interaction and common development of Civic and Political Education and professional courses.In the future, it is necessary to improve the relevance of the Civic and Political cases, the integration of the Civic and Political elements, and the practicability of the Civic and Political teaching.
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