A Preliminary Study of the Evaluation Index System for Theoretical Innovation of Adapting Marxism to Chinese Conditions
中文关键词: 中国网络文学;产业化运营;缘起;发展态势
英文关键词: Chinese network literature; industrialized operation; origin; development trend
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      The Chinese network literature is different from the traditional literature with particular characteristics. Its industrialization started with the rise of paid-for reading. Paid-for reading has created a vibrant and dynamic network literature ecosystem, mobilized the enthusiasm of network literature creators, and laid the foundation for the healthy development of network literature. The development trend of the industrialized operation of online literature is shown as follows: it has contributed to the arrival of the era of “nationwide reading and writing”; it has achieved a leap from “quantitative change” to “qualitative change”; it has become the source of various types of artistic creation and a high-quality resource for China's foreign cultural exchange. While creating great economic and cultural values, there exist some problems in the Chinese network literature, such as too lengthy works, conventional content, detachment from reality, poor literary talent and so on,The countermeasures are to strengthen artistic skills, pay attention to the orientation of values, establish the awareness of high-quality works, improve literary language etc.
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