Implementation Path of Integrating Yuhua Heroic Spirit into College Students’ Ideological and Political Education from the Perspective of “San Quan Education”
中文关键词: 撤销论文;期刊分布;年度分布;撤稿原因;被引频次
英文关键词: Retracted papers; journal distribution; annual distribution; retraction reason; citation frequency
摘要点击次数: 4246
全文下载次数: 0
      Regarding 370 withdrawal statements and 404 retracted papers of the Chinese academic journal database,this paper analyzes journal distribution,subject type distribution, impact on journal evaluation, annual distribution of “retraction,publication, retraction and publication in the same year”,annual average number of delayed months, retraction reasons and citation. The findings reveal that the retracted papers in the medical and health category account for the highest percentage. There is not a very obvious correlation between the number of retracted papers and journal impact factor and inclusion in the core journal database. The annual distribution of “retraction, publication, retraction and publication in the year” of the retracted papers and the annual average number of delayed months for the published papers are going in the positive direction. The paper retraction owing to academic misconduct accounts for the highest percentage. The retracted papers are still heavily cited. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the control degree of academic misconduct in the medical and health field, improve journal editors' level and ability of identifying and preventing papers with academic misconduct,create a common manuscript tracking platform for all publishing units, and build a special website for academic misconduct.
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