The Treasure in the Mine -- an Analysis of the Legal Thought in The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte
中文关键词: 路易·波拿巴的雾月十八日;矿山里的宝藏;资产阶级法律体系;无产阶级法律体系
英文关键词: The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte; treasure in the mine; bourgeois legal system; proletarian legal system
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      The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte is an important work well-known in the world. Marx used historical materialism to analyze the French Revolution in 1848 and explain the real reasons for Bonaparte's coup. This book is also a treasure house of ideas, and Kautsky vividly called it "the treasure in the mine". The legal thought mainly included three aspects: one was to reveal the real factor determining the law--material interest, so as to point out the falsity of bourgeois legal consciousness and scientifically criticize the bourgeois law; second, Marx put forward the theory of breaking up the bourgeois state machine and legal system, and establish a legal system to truly safeguard the interests, rights and social development of the broad masses of the people; third, the revolutionary experience and lessons provided important enlightenment to the construction of the proletarian legal system.
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