Research on the Application of the Situational Teaching Method to the College Ideological and Political Theory Courses
中文关键词: 情境教学法;高校思政课;应用研究
英文关键词: Situational teaching method; college ideological and political courses; application research
摘要点击次数: 4258
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      The ideological and political course is the key course of college ideological education, and also an important course for educating students to formulate the good virtues and the right world view, outlook on life and sense of value. The situational teaching method is widely used in the college ideological and political courses with its unique advantages of returning to the subject status of students, stimulating their interest in learning, exercising their thinking ability and forming a good relationship between teachers and students. It provides method guidance for the ideological and political courses. Teachers of the college ideological and political courses could improve and innovate the situational teaching method by using the problem situation skillfully, making the best use of the life situation and applying the virtual situation well, and give full play to its function in the college ideological and political course teaching.
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