高校“互联网 +党史”学习教育模式路径探索
Exploration of the Path of "the Internet + the CPC History" Learning and Education Mode at College
中文关键词: “互联网+党史”;党史学习教育;机遇与挑战;路径
英文关键词: "The Internet + the CPC History"; learning and education of the CPC history; opportunities and challenges; path
摘要点击次数: 4188
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      “The Internet + the CPC History” learning and education mode is of great significance, and it not only creates an open environment for the CPC history learning and education and innovates the way of learning and education, but also benefits the cultivation of the humanistic educational concept and achieve the goal of moral education. This paper comprehensively analyzes the internal and external opportunities and challenges faced by “the Internet + the CPC History” learning and education mode, and puts forward the path of "Internet + the CPC History" learning and education mode from the four aspects: innovating the discourse for the CPC history learning education, improving the form of learning and education of the CPC history, stressing interaction in the CPC history learning and education, and strengthening the learning and education mechanism.
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