Thoughts about Teaching the History of Reform and Opening-up in the Course of “Outline of Modern and Contemporary Chinese History”
中文关键词: 中国近现代史纲要;改革开放;改革开放史
英文关键词: Outline of Modern and Contemporary Chinese History; reform and opening-up; history of reform and opening-up
摘要点击次数: 4200
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      Reform and opening-up is a critical choice that determines China’s destiny; the history of reform and opening-up is a history of seeking truth from facts and emancipating the mind, and it is also a vivid textbook. When teaching the history of reform and opening-up in the course of “Outline of Modern and Contemporary Chinese History”, teachers should pay attention to the following three points: firstly, they need to conscientiously study important literature about reform and opening-up and lay a solid theoretical foundation; secondly, they need to sort out pioneering figures of reform and opening-up and tell colorful stories of reform and opening-up; finally, they need to present the great achievements of reform and opening-up and demonstrate the “revolutionary” significance of reform and opening-up. Only in this way can the teachers teach this course vividly, so that students would greatly gain a sense of achievement.
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