清末诗人朱兆蓉生平 、家世及交游考略
Research on Zhu Zhaorongs Lifetime, Family Background and Friends making in the Late Qing Dynasty
中文关键词: 朱兆蓉;籍贯家世;生平交游
英文关键词: Zhu Zhaorong;native place and family background;lifetime and friends making
摘要点击次数: 4466
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      Zhu Zhaorong (18711916), a native of Chaoqiao (now Rudong in Nantong) in the late Qing Dynasty, had another name of Fu Jing and wrote Manuscript of Ranxuean. He served as the transport envoy of Changan and later as the magistrate of Suichang. This paper mainly studies his great grandfather, grandfather, father and other members in his family, and investigates his communication with Yu Yue, Yang Baoguang, Chen Xu, Monk Kongxian and other teachers and friends in his outing. Zhu also actively participated in activities of Xiling Fair and had close contact with many members of Xiling Society of Seal Arts. The textual research on Zhu Zhaorong contributes to the study of the Zhu family in Chaoqiao, and also provides materials for the study of family and regional literature in Nantong in the late Qing Dynasty.
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