A Case Study on the Dynamic Change Trajectory of English Classroom Motivation under Multi modal Language Input
中文关键词: 课堂学习动机;多模态语言输入;动态变化轨迹
英文关键词: Classroom learning motivation; multi modal language input; dynamic trajectory
摘要点击次数: 4186
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      Second language motivation is a continuous and dynamic process. This paper explores the dynamic change and development characteristics of L2 classroom motivation and its situational influencing factors under the conditions of multi modal language input by tracing the cases of three English majors and using the time series method, the personality dynamic method and the equivalent modeling method. The results show that the second language classroom motivation of individual learners is relatively stable in the dynamic development trend and there is nonlinear dynamic development in a specific period. Under multi modal language input, individual learners future L2 self orientation is a higher order attractor to maintain the stability of motivation level. Learners language acquisition level, classroom learning content and input modes, teachers and learning patners behaviors are the key situational factors that contribute to the dynamic change of individual learners classroom motivation.
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