驱动因素分解视角下的城市商业银行盈利分析——以 67家城商行 10年的数据为例
Profit Analysis of City Commercial Banks from the Perspective of Decomposing Driving Factors —Take the Data of 67 City Commercial Banks from 2009 to 2018 as an Example
中文关键词: 城市商业银行;利润增长;驱动因素;LMDI因素分解模型
英文关键词: City commercial banks; profit growth; driving factors; LMDI (Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index) Factorization Model
摘要点击次数: 4108
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      From the perspective of decomposing driving factors, an empirical study has been conducted on the profitability of 67 domestic city commercial banks from 2009 to 2018. It is found that the net profit growth of the city commercial banks shows a downward trend. The contribution of interest income to the growth of net profit is gradually weakening, while non-interest income steadily contributes to the growth of net profit. At the same time, cost control and tax planning, to a certain extent, promote cost reduction and efficiency increase of the city commercial banks, and asset impairment loss becomes the main factor that erodes the bank profits. Therefore, the city commercial banks should give priority to efficiency and fundamentally develop profitability by means of improving income structure, upgrading efficiency of resource allocation, intensifying risk control and promoting system and mechanism reform to adapt to high-quality development and business transformation.
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