论中国情理法的司法传统——以(2014)锡民终字第 01235号判决为例
On the Judicial Tradition of the Chinese Law of Reason- -Taking for Example the Final Judgment of Civil Case No. 01235 in Wuxi in 2014
中文关键词: 胚胎;继承;情理法
英文关键词: Embryo; inheritance; law of reason
摘要点击次数: 4279
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      As the traditional representation of China's judicial system, the law of reason is a combination of the three characteristics of feeling, reason and law, which is in line with the provision of Article 8 of the General Principles of Civil Law. When there are clear provisions in the law in judicial practice, the judge will focus on the issue of legality and ignore the features of emotion and reason that should be reflected in the nature of law. In addition,the application standard, form and degree of the law of reason are hard to be controlled properly. Even if the law provision is not clear, the judge will find other basis for judgment of the case, rat her than willingly apply the law of reason.
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