An Empirical Study of Reading Strategies in the Reading Process- A Survey of the Use of Think-aloud among Medium- -and Upper-level J apanese Learners
中文关键词: 阅读策略;中上级日语学习者;有声思维法;教育指导
英文关键词: Reading strategies; medium- and upper-level Japanese learners; think-aloud; educational instruction
摘要点击次数: 4116
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      A think-aloud method is adopted to explore the relationship between the use of reading strategies and reading ability of medium- and upper-level Japanese learners. The research results indicate that the more the upper-level Japanese learners use the global strategy and the support strategy, the higher the reading comprehension scores are. The use of global strategy and reading comprehension scores are partially correlated, while the use of the support strategy and reading comprehension scores are closely correlated. On the other hand, the more the medium-level Japanese learners use the global strategy, the lower the reading scores are; the higher the frequency of using the problem-solving strategy by medium-level Japanese learners, the higher the reading scores are. As to the support strategy, the progressive saliency level of the upper-level and medium-level Japanese learners is 0.011 and less than 0.05, so that there exist intentional differences.
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