历史虚无主义对十月革命的歪曲及批判 |
The Distortion and Criticism of Historical Nihilism for the October Revolution |
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中文关键词: 历史虚无主义;十月革命;歪曲;批判 |
英文关键词: Historical Nihilism, the October Revolution, distortion, criticism |
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中文摘要: |
新形势下,随着西方新霸权主义的抬头和意识形态的渗透,以重新评价十月革命为口号的历史虚无主义者们再次沉渣泛起。他们借助伪造的史料或是对文献作断章取义地曲解,将无产阶级在二十世纪初的伟大胜利,解构为俄罗斯内部的政治权力斗争,妄图用这种伎俩动摇人们对无产阶级革命的信念和建设社会主义的决心。因此如何科学地看待和评价十月革命,最终成为人们辨别真伪、分清是非、凝心聚力的关键。 |
英文摘要: |
Under the new situation, historical nihilists who take re-evaluating the October Revolution as slogan appear again with the rise of western new hegemonism and ideology penetration. With the counterfeit historical material or misunderstanding of literature, they deconstruct the great victory of proletariat at the beginning of the twentieth century as the internal political power struggle of Russia. They attempt to use this trick to shake people’s belief in proletarian revolution as well as their determination in building socialism. Therefore, how to view the October Revolution in a scientific way has become the key for people to distinguish truth from false, distinguish right from wrong and enhance cohesion. |
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