Study on rural agricultural cultural landscape architecture and rural revival
中文关键词: 乡村农业文化;景观建筑;乡村振兴
英文关键词: rural agricultural culture; landscape arcitecture; Rural revitalizatio
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      随着乡村振兴事业不断地成熟发展, 由此生发的乡村农业文化景观建筑研究得以在农业、艺术、建筑、工业等各领获得更全面的关注。以往从艺术与建筑学的观察,到如今更多的投注到由非物质文化景观及中国农业文化遗产角度的保护与开发。在此过程中,乡村文化也融于其中得到继承。曾长期困扰乡村经济与文化共同发展的诸多问题,亦得到不断地解决。研究通过侧重阐释乡村农业文化景观建筑的多重现象、仍需关注的问题、其研究对当代建设的具体作用和对乡村振兴的建设意义,分析体现景观建筑在乡村农业文化上的传承和演变。
      With the continuous maturation of the cause of rural revitalization, the study of rural agricultural cultural landscape architecture has been able to obtain more comprehensive attention in agriculture, art, architecture, industry and so on. In the past, from the observation of art and architecture, to today more betting on the intangible cultural Landscape and the perspective of China's agricultural cultural heritage protection and development. In this process, rural culture is also integrated into the inheritance. Many problems that have plagued the common development of rural economy and culture for a long time have also been solved continuously. By focusing on explaining the multiple phenomena of rural agricultural cultural landscape architecture, the current situation that still needs attention, the specific role of its research on contemporary construction and the significance of the construction of rural revitalization, this paper analyzes and embodies the inheritance and evolution of landscape architecture in rural agricultural culture.
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