Ideological and Political Work in Colleges and Universities and the Pathto Educate People Throughout the Whole Course
中文关键词: 高校思想政治教育;全程育人;实现路径;立德树人
英文关键词: ideological and political educationin colleges and universities; whole course of education; realization paths; enhance morality and foster talents.
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      General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that it is necessary to carry out ideological and political work throughout the entire process of education and teaching. The ideological and political education plays a vital role in the establishment of enhancing morality and fostering talents as the foundation of the university. We should actively integrate the ideological and political work into the whole process of educating people, and how the ideological and political education is come into play in the full staff, all-round, and education the all process. Through analysis of the problems faced in the ideological and political work, the measures taken and the next step focused on, in order to explore that how to breed each part of ideological and political educationin colleges and universities and to realize the fundamental mission of enhancing morality and fostering talents.
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