Reconstruction of Network Discourse Power of Ideological and Political Education Based on the Practice of Network Catchwords
中文关键词: 网络流行语;思想政治教育;网络话语权;重构
英文关键词: network catchword; ideological and political education; network discourse power; reconstruction
摘要点击次数: 4180
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      Network catchwords can be regarded as the product of the times and the variant of the discourse, which directly affect the actual effect of network discourse power of the ideological and political education. This paper will focus on the analysis of the reconstruction of the network popular language and network discourse power in college students' ideological and political education and the basic theoretical premise of the network buzzwords, in order to understand the current practice and actual situation of network buzzwords and discourse paradigms of college students' ideological and political education. It has put forward solutions to reconstruct the discourse power of college students' network ideological and political education. The content production of network ideological and political education discourse has been reasonably regulated. The transformation of discourse paradigm of network ideological and political education and its guarantee mechanism has been promoted. Finally we can construct a better network discourse power generation mechanism of ideological and political education network.
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