现行主要举证责任分配学说评析 |
Commentson Current Major Distribution Theories of Burden of Proof |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 举证责任;证据本质;规范说;危险领域说;利益衡量说 |
英文关键词: Burden of proof; Essence of evidence; Normentheorie; Theory of the danger field; Theory of measuring interest |
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中文摘要: |
在现行的指导、影响举证责任分配原则或规则的主要学说中,规范说具有一定的科学性,但只能适用于商业领域,而且必须以不可能实现的完备的实体法为生存条件,已经失去普遍指导作用;危险领域说具有可操作性差、适用范围窄和“倒置”内容不确定性等局限性;利益衡量说围绕“公平”这一主观标准打转,没有统一的规则,使法官实际上拥有不受限制的自由裁量权,“公平”时刻面临不良司法者的威胁。 |
英文摘要: |
Among the current major distribution theories of burden of proof, Normentheorie is of certain scientificity, but it is mainly used in the commercial area. Moreover, it is based on the complete substantive law which is impossible to be implemented and thus it has lost its guiding function. The theory of the danger field lacks effectiveness in operation, and has a narrow application scope and uncertainty of “inversion” content. The theory of measuring interest focuses on the subjective criterion of “justice” and has no unified rules, so that the judges possess unlimited discretionary power and “justice” is likely to be threatened by ill natured judicial personnel. |
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