Flood and Countermeasures of Qingpu County,Songjiang Prefecture in Qing Dynasty
中文关键词: 清代;青浦县;水灾;备荒;救灾
英文关键词: Qing Dynasty; Qingpu County; Flood; Natural Disasters Prevention and Preparation; Disaster Relief
杨荣杰 淮北师范大学历史与社会学院 
摘要点击次数: 4293
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      The Qingpu county was an important agricultural production base of Songjiang Prefecture in the Qing Dynasty. However, the frequency of floods was higher in the Qingpu County, due to its unique climatic conditions, topography and hydrological factors. According to statistics, as one of the most important natural disasters, floods numbered 90 times in total in Qingpu County in the Qing Dynasty, that is, once every four years on average. In response to the damage caused by the floods, the Qing Government and local gentry actively adopted disaster prevention and mitigation measures such as warehousing,water conservancy, clean-up and relief, which played a certain role in relieving the disaster and relieving the victims, which can still enlighten the modern Qingpu people and government in their disaster prevention and mitigation undertaking today.
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