A Textual Research on the Source of Huang Zuo's Han Lin Ji
中文关键词: 黄佐;《翰林记》;史料来源
英文关键词: Huang Zuo; Han Lin Ji; Historical Sources
邵宝凤 福建师范大学社会历史学院 
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      《翰林记》是由明代中期著名文人黄佐编纂的一部专门记载明代翰林掌故的文献,史料价值颇高。该书通过广泛征引官修文献《明实录》、正德《明会典》和私修史籍如宋明野史笔记、诗集、文集及口碑史料等各类文献,不仅使其在史料上表现出广博、翔实、精审等重要特征,而且为研究明代翰林院、翰林院与内阁的关系、明代科举史以及明代政治史的其它方 面都提供了非常重要的参考资料。
      Han Lin Ji (Anecdotes of Scholars), which was compiled by the famous writer Huang Zuo of the Mid-Ming Dynasty, is a special literature recording the anecdotes of Han Lin (scholars) in the Ming Dynasty. Its historical value is quite high and it has been widely cited in all kinds of documents such as the official literature Ming Shi Lu (Facts of Ming History), Zhengde Ming Hui Dian ( Stature Book of Administrative Law of the Ming Dynasty) as well as in privately-written history books such as wild history notes of Song and Ming, collections of poetry, collected works, word-of- mouth historical materials and other literature. The book not only shows up the broad, accurate, comprehensive and other important features of the historical materials, but also serves as important reference for the study of the Han Lin Academy in the Ming Dynasty, the relationship between the Han Lin Academy and the Cabinet,the History of Imperial Examinations in the Ming Dynasty and other aspects of the political history.
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